Monday, December 8, 2008

You're a baby nagger mom

There's been the long standing joke in the Jackson family - ask Drew who daddy is and he'll happily reply, "Dad's the king!" Ask him who mom is and it's "Mom's a nag!" So this weekend Drew wasn't thrilled with something I said and announced he's the boss. I told him I'm the boss and he comes back with, "Actually, daddy is the boss. I'm the little boss and you are the nagger...the little actually you are the baby nagger!" Then this morning Mike dropped Drew off at school and heard a conversation between Drew and his "future wife" Jillian. Apparently they talk about getting married a lot. And now Drew's been talking about it at home too. He's going to marry Jillian and then he's going to be a dad. Anyway, Jilli and Drew were talking about getting married and something to the affect that Mike is the king. And Jilli said her mom is the queen and told Drew that his mom is the queen too. To which Drew replies, "no Jilli, my mom is the nag!" Ahhh, it's so nice to see daddy's influence on our young man...

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