Monday, March 17, 2008

Who wants to play Linky Logs with me?

Santa bought Drew some Lincoln Logs for Christmas. He must have known that mom and dad had some when they were kids! Drew hasn't really been that excited about them but this weekend that all changed. On Sunday night at around 7:15 we were winding down from a long day, including Drew's self proclaimed "best buddy" Miles bowling birthday party. Drew grabs his huge bucket of Linky Logs and asks - Dad, you wanna play Linky Logs with me? No bud, I'm just going to sit on the couch and watch tv. Mom, you wanna play Linky Logs with me? No bud, I'm just going to sit here too. Does anybody want to play Linky Logs with me? No, not right now. Then who is gonna play Linky Logs with me? NO ONE! If you want, you can play with them by yourself, or I would be happy to read some books with you. Ummm, WHO WANTS TO PLAY LINKY LOGS WITH ME???!!!! (in a very sweet but louder voice) As if there may be some more people in the house who are going to jump out to play. Or maybe he just thought if he said it loud enough with a perky tone, one of us would jump at the chance. Not so much!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Food Stories

We all know kids eat when they want to and sometimes it gets frustrating. The other day at Bob Evans was not one of those days. Drew ate 3 pieces of bacon, 4 1/2 mini pancakes, and 1/2 of his scrambled eggs. What did he have to say about it...I was HUNGRY! with a grunt. It was pretty funny. That weekend he also told me he wanted to go out for breakfast at Kangaroo Hop - that's IHOP for you and me. That same evening I made Dirty Rice for dinner. He was not real hip on the idea of eating dirt!

Last night I made fish sticks and mac & cheese again. I asked Drew to help me put the sticks on the cookie sheet. After what looked like plenty to me, I asked dad if there were enough to which both responded NO! Mike said put 10 more on. Drew's response - um, I choose 100!

Monday, March 10, 2008

No, Don't Help Me!

We went to Splash Universe (an indoor water park / hotel near Ohio) for the weekend with our friends Rick & Mindy and their daughters Haley (almost 3) and Hanna (6 mo). We all had a great time. It's a crazy place as you can imagine. We were very proud of Drew, he went down every water slide - even the biggest ones with daddy - and loved every minute of it. Much different from the little boy we took to Florida who was scared of the water slides for the first few days. Every time we'd put on suits Drew would wear his lift jacket down to the park but then take it off when we got there. There really was no need to have it on, as Mike or I would be at the bottom of the slide to catch him while the other was up helping him get to the top.

When we were tired of all the noise and chaos of the water park Saturday afternoon we headed back to the hotel pool and took the kids swimming. Drew had his life jacket on and we started by having him jump to us. Then I got a little farther away so he would go under for a second before popping up. Then - I let go! It took him a few seconds to realize no one was holding him AND he wasn't sinking!!!! WOW! Hey, Drew, look, no one is hanging on to you! Hey mom, I'm doing it all by myself! And so created the swimming monster. He swam all over the pool. Now by swimming I mean he did an upright doggie paddle, first the legs then some arms. But for this proud mom and dad - he was a swimming pro! I'd try to grab him and he' yell at me - NO, Don't Help Me! He managed his way to the ladder and got himself out too.

The down side to this great accomplishment - we went to the water park again Sunday morning before it was time to check out. And after we went through the lazy river, we went into a small pool which was connected. Guess who thought he could swim without a life jacket on? Yep, my little swimming pro! Which I kinda figured would happen. We reminded him he didn't have his life jacket on so he couldn't do it by himself. So, now I need to "let" him go under while I'm around so he knows he really isn't quite there yet, and has a healthy fear of water without his life jacket. Well at least until we get some swimming lessons.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Last night I was on the phone with Grandpa Santa (that would be my dad who looks much like the real deal). I can't remember what we were talking about now - the original call was to see how much snow we got the night before. Six inches for those wondering, and yes, we are on the verge of a record breaking season. And no, no one I talk to is loving it anymore! Back to the story, so I respond to something and say, HOLY and stop myself. Very proud I stopped myself actually. Then I hear from a little voice 10 feet away COW mama! I think, why is he saying, oh, Holy Cow! I get it. Thank god I didn't say sh*t!

Bargaining 101 with a 3 year old

Oh, do we bargain these days. Really we have been for quite a while but lately numbers are involved. Drew, you need to eat 4 bites of your carrots. How 'bout 2 mom. No 4. How 'bout 3? OK 3 - deal! This happens all the time. A little negotiation goes a long way with veggies. Now he's started with everything else. Mom, can we play with puzzles. Yes, we can do a couple. Why not a lot? We don't have time for a lot right now. OK, can we play with 4? No get the idea. The latest - time. Which is really funny because he has no idea what a minute is or how to read a clock. But he does know numbers and negotiating so it still applies. Take this morning. Drew - you have two more minutes then we have to leave for school. Why not three? OK, you can have three minutes, then we have to go to school. So 2 minutes later I go in. Drew, it's time to go to school. But why not three mom? It has been three buddy! Oh, ok. Time to go to school, are my friends going to be there? Ah, life is easy. I'm not really sure I want him to learn how to read a clock!

Can I watch SpongeBob so I can calm down?

One of the teachers at school took another job. That means the owner of the daycare has been pitching in. She hasn't worked there full time for a number of years and is pretty exhausted by the whole thing, as I can tell because they are watching a few short movies during the afternoon. It's also been really cold and the kids haven't been able to get outside, so that's rough too. Add to this, Mike was out of town for a couple days this week and Drew hasn't been quite himself - I think he's going thru a growth spurt. He's been resting afterschool which NEVER happens. So I let him watch a couple Little Einsteins then I told him that was enough tv. He wanted to watch something else and says pathetically, Mom, Can I watch SpongeBob so I can calm down? WHAT!? NO!! I don't think that will help you settle down buddy. Yes, it will! But pleassseeeeee!!!!!! Nope, not tonight. How about if we play with some puzzles instead? OK!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hold on Mr Impatient!

So I didn't get to see this one which is a real bummer. But Mike told me he and Drew were doing something and Drew came back with something like....Hold on Mr Impatient I wasn't done yet! He is offically listening to us more than we know! :>


Are you kiddin' me, guys?
Mom, I was lookin' for ya! - in those words
Dad, I'm tired of you!
Hey, dad, stop it! I'm only 3 years old!