Sunday, December 28, 2008


Holy moly, it's been a fast few days off. We had Christmas at our house, then went to Aunt Janice's and had an awesome meal and some great fam time, then off to friends for a little party. Friday we went out to Grass Lake to do some snowmobiling with friends - it didn't last long as the temperature kept going up. Saturday was a balmy 62 degrees and all 10+ inches of snow are gone. Today (Monday) we packed up and headed to Illinois. It was a nice sunny day but very windy. I mention this because Drew started getting feverish, but also threw up twice on the way. I'm not sure if he's sick and that's why he threw up, or maybe carsickness, or maybe both. He was pretty lathargic when we got here, but now he seems to be perking up a bit. He's been playing with his 1 yr old cousin Jada and I'm just crossing my fingers that she doesn't get what he's got. We'll be here for several days, and head back on Friday.

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