Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Little Motherly Advice

I was just thinking about Sunday. We had to go to the grocery store (it had been awhile) and daddy needed water for his fish tank. So Mike & Drew got a car cart for the boys and water jugs and I took a regular cart, yippee for me! I hate those big germ filled carts that don't hold anything and are hard as hell to steer. So anyway, the boys got the water and met me in the deli. It didn't take long before he wanted to get out and could get out of the cart since he was in the car portion. We made a deal (which is 95% of our conversations these days) and agreed that if he stayed close to mom and dad and only picked up the things we asked him to, he could be out of the cart. Enter conversation from Thanksgiving with my wonderful Great Aunt Betty (who knows everything - seriously!) She said she should have written a book for all the young new parents who don't know everything, starting with, don't let the kid out of the cart at the store! And trust me, we've had our moments where I regretted letting Drew out, but Sunday was not one of those days. He did a great job of listening and only got the items we told him were ok. With a few suggestions of his own, like marshmellows. We got several compliments about what a good boy he was and how smart he is and of course, how cute he is. It was a proud moment...up until we were in check out and had one little blemish. He did one of his loud sounds (can't remember which one now) and the cashier looked up horrified! She was young, and obviously not a parent, cuz she acted just like I would have 3 years ago. :>

Oh, so the point...Betty is right, don't let the child ever think it's ok to get out of the cart. My bad! I regretted the choice about 2 minutes after I did it!

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