Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bowling Birthday Here We Come!

Since the big 3 is coming up faster than I can imagine, we asked Drew what he would like to do for his birthday party...bowling or Chuck e Cheese? bowling!!!! Can't you just see it? - a bunch of preschoolers trying to bowl. I really need to remember the video camera for this one. Next dilemma - who do we invite? Of course, we want all of our friends' kids to come so that's a no brainer. It's so nice having all the kids about the same age. Next, school...hmmm, can't just invite one or two kids from the class, so I guess we'll invite them all (not too bad - only 5 more). So anyway, I finally got the invites done and we took them to school for the kids in his preschool class. I told Drew that not everyone at school would get an invite because the toddlers and infants are too young and little to play. But big strong boys like Drew get to bowl. He's very excited but doesn't really want to give up the invites yet. So his teacher Miss Erin says she will help him put them in the mailboxes later. Then the doorbell rings and one of the toddlers and his mom come in. Drew blurts out - You can't go bowling because you are too little! To which I am now mortified and his teacher is laughing. I tell him that we don't need to talk about it and promptly leave before any more conversation about bowling. And as I'm walking out I start thinking about all the hurt feelings (Drew's and others) to come over birthday parties for years to come. Why does no one talk about these things BEFORE we have kids?! And lord, how do these things get so out of hand so quickly!?