Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wii...I can't believe I haven't blogged about it!

I swear I had posted about the Wii but I don't see it anywhere. So, I had this great idea I would get Wii for Drew and Mike for their birthday. Yeah right, let me just say I was an idiot and understand supply and demand for childrens toys better now. We've never had a problem getting the "hottest thing on the market" because Drew hasn't been old enough to understand it. And he wasn't with this either, it was me who really thought it would be fun. I thought, what a great idea, something we can do when the weather is bad. Little did I know that after being on the market for what 2 years, they are still never available. So I finally told Mike my plan and got him excited about getting it. The next Sunday we go to Toys R Us a few minutes before opening. There are scores of people already there...apparently since 4am! Of course, there are none available. After a few months of looking, I had given up and then it happened. Sams Club has a package deal for twice as much as the individual console, but with all the accessories we would buy anyway and some games. SCORE! I order it. Get the confirmation back it will take a few weeks to get it in. No biggie, I have one. That Sunday we go to Target and what do we find...a STACK of Wiis for sale. Darn it! Oh well, we finally got it and it's awesome.

Drew's now had plenty of experience with the Wii. Specifically with Wii Play! Tanks! and bowling. He asks me every day to play tanks with him after school and I hate to admit, it's addictive. I really enjoy it and it gives us both some time to unwind. Dad on the other hand, is not the best tanks player, and would much rather enjoy bowling with Drew. Which is perfect. I get my game, dad gets his, and Drew gets both. Drew and dad are really good at bowling and Drew occasionally wins. It's quite the sight to watch him wind up and "throw" the bowling ball. His latest accomplishment - a turkey! And now he's added the turkey gobble and dance to his game. I really need to video tape it soon, before he moves on to the next great thing!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You do need to video it!! I remember watching him "Bowl" at the Pampered Chef party. It was really amazing he was getting all those strikes with his pose!!! LOL. He could kick any of our butts any day. Is butts a bad word? ;)