Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh are we testing these days...

So my cute little man has been testing quite a bit these days. We went for a walk on Sunday and Drew & Mike found walking sticks which made it back to the house. Now when Drew goes outside he picks up the stick to use it like a light saber or see what he can touch with it. Of course we told him not to do it by the car, which was met with resistance. And of course, next thing you know he accidentally hits the car with it and looks up with huge eyes and remorse and a blurt, Sorry, Mom, it was an accident! And of course, I say with great exasperation - that's why we told you not to hold the stick to close to the car!
Also, Ryan has also been here for almost two weeks, so Drew's been getting an ear full of teenspeak and it's starting to show. Also testing and irritating us to no end! 'nuff said.
The best/worst one this week (so far) was last night. I'm trying to get pj's on and it's been talked about for a good 3 minutes at this point. Yep, I'm tired and frustrated and just wishing that pj's didn't have to be a production and maybe just once he would do what I asked at nightime and put on the stinkin' pjs without help, which I KNOW he's more than capable of doing. (I know he's done it at least a handful of times in the past year :) ) And yes, I can hear you now - why don't you make him do it? My reason, I was tired and didn't feel like a struggle. bad parent 101 = real parent 101. Not a perfect person and not trying to be. I digress - back to the story. So- we're to the pull-up and Drew says, now all we have left is the frickin' diaper mom! What??!?? All we have is this frickin' diaper! No, Drew you don't say frickin'. (even tho mom says frickin' a lot). What mom, frickin' diaper? Yes, don't say that. Why can't I say frickin' diaper? Because I said...but mom it's just a fric...DREW! If you say that one more time, I WILL NOT TURN ON CALLIOU! Do you understand me? OK mom, I won't say, that word.

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