Monday, December 17, 2007

From 80 to 20 in two days

Well we made it back safely from Florida on Friday night, just in time to see the 11 o' clock news and find out there was a big storm heading for us. Sunday morning we realized that the news was right and a foot of snow was on the ground. 80s to 20s in two days. Drew had a great time helping us shovel out the cars and playing in the snow - which was up to his waist and a bit difficult to manuver!

Cute story of the trip - We were told to be at the airport 3 hours ahead of time and since we had never been to West Palm Beach Airport on a Friday night, we did just that. So we had plenty of time to sit down and have dinner and then try to burn some energy - Drew's that is. We found a big area to run around for about 30 minutes and tuckered him out. As we were in line to board Drew had some rolled up paper and starts talking in to it...Hello, Ladies & Gentlemen, we are going back to Michigan and we're going to have a good flight! He goes on a few more minutes and has everyone around us laughing to no end. He was a very good boy on both flights and on vacation. Must have been 8+ people came up to us after the flight to compliment Drew's behavior (and cuteness).

1 comment:

Melissa said...

aaww, such a cutie!! And I can just imagine him doing that with the paper.