Thursday, April 3, 2008

...taking a bath

Drew was taking a bath the other night and decided it was time to clean all 30 water toys that were in the tub. One by one, he used his wash cloth and rubbed them inside and out until all of them were clean. After which he would put the clean ones behind him and my job was to make sure they didn't get to the other side. He also showed me how to hold the shower hose between his knees so it wouldn't do move. But I was told I can't do that because I don't know how, only Drew can cuz he does know. Oh I forgot, the few that were too small to get inside didn't get cleaned inside because "that would be too difficult, mom". He then decided to take all the toys and put them in the sink because he wanted to practice floating. So we did, and he did. Then it was time to put his head all the way under water like swimming. He did such a good job of holding his breath, he decided to do it several more times. As you can imagine, 45 minutes have now gone by and I decide it's time to let the water go down the drain to "feed the fish". After all the rain is gone, Drew says it's time to clean the tub and shower walls. If you could only imagine the sight - on his arms and knees with his cute little bare bottom up in the air as he meticulously scrubs all the water crayon marks off the tub. And he didn't stop until they were all gone!

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